Australian Government updates
Aged Care Quality Standards
The Aged Care Quality Standards provide a shared understanding of what is expected in aged care, making quality everyone’s business. Public consultation will occur over six weeks from 17 October - 25 November 2022. There will be opportunities to engage via a webinar, surveys, and focus groups. For more information and to have your say, visit Aged Care Engagement
New Home Care Consultation Paper 27 October 2022
The Australian Government has set out to design a new, single Support at Home aged care program to replace the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and the Home Care Packages (HCP) program, delivered by July 2024. The community along with industry stakeholders are invited to share feedback on the paper via written submission. Register for the information session
Support Portal for providers’ reporting a COVID-19 outbreak or exposure in residential aged care
The new reporting COVID-19 cases for residential aged care homes
fact sheet reminds residential aged care facilities of their responsibility to submit a notification report for all resident, staff, and visitors COVID-19 cases via the COVID-19 Support Portal, accessible via My Aged Care.