WA Primary Health Alliance acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.
Service Provider Connect #97 - 10 April 2024
Executive General Manager's foreword
Procurement and contracting - Early Tender Advice - Supporting Primary Care Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Pilot - Perth South PHN
- Early Tender Advice - Integrated Healthcare Precincts - Armadale and Bunbury
Strategic update - WA Primary Health Alliance's focus on primary health care workforce
General information - After hours needs assessment survey
- Choices service to cease
Sector information - Mental Health Commission - EOIs for Assistant Commissioners
- Rural Local Assistance Program for aged care
- Grants program to raise awareness of elder abuse in regional WA
News and media - Collaboration key to supporting patients with endometriosis and pelvic pain
Training and events - Advanced training in suicide prevention
- Dealing with Depression in rural Australia
- Mental health Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool training sessions
- Healthy Weight Masterclass - Supporting the mental health of people in larger bodies
Resources - Commissioning policies and procedures
Executive General Manager's foreword
Many of you will have seen the recently released recommendations from the review conducted by the Australian National Audit Office into the Department of Health and Aged Care’s (DHAC) Performance Management of Primary Health Networks (PHN).
The audit has made eight recommendations, all addressed to DHAC. Many of these will have implications for WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA), particularly around data and evaluation, and therefore our commissioned service providers.
The audit highlighted a number of issues with regard to performance reporting as it relates to grants and contracted services, with the view that the PHN program moves towards outcomes and impact. This includes a focus on establishing transparency and accountability requirements in grant agreements, and the requirement to participate in and provide data and information to support evaluation. This will likely result in increased compliance reporting and a requirement to release specified reports in the public arena.
The establishment of performance measures that are clearly aligned to the PHN delivery model objectives was recommended. WAPHA is contributing to the development of program performance indicators, both through indicator development and definition work and by operating the PHOCUS IT platform. WAPHA will continue to support this work and update our commissioned service providers as this develops.
PHNs have been meeting with the DHAC to discuss recommendations from the report and we look forward to continuing to work with DHAC to develop improved performance measures that better showcase the work that is undertaken across all program areas, and highlight the significant contribution that PHNs, primary health care providers and our commissioned services make to the national and local health systems.
WAPHA will provide additional information as it becomes available, and consultation will occur with commissioned service providers about any changes to reporting requirements. Executive General Manager Commissioned Services
Procurement and Contracting Early Tender Advice - Supporting Primary Care Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Pilot - Perth South PHN
The Request for Tender for the Supporting Primary Care Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence (FDSV) Pilot– Perth South PHN is expected to be released in early 2024. The program will enhance the capability general practice teams to identify patients and families being affected by FDSV and connecting them to vital FDSV services. It will involve working with key stakeholders including service providers, peak advisory bodies and people with lived experience.
Find out more about how WAPHA is supporting an effective primary care response to family, domestic and sexual violence.
Early Tender Advice - Integrated Healthcare Precincts – Armadale and Bunbury
The Request for Tender for the Integrated Healthcare Precincts - Armadale and Bunbury is expected to be released in May 2024. WAPHA will be seeking a lead organisation to develop a precinct, with general practice at the centre, to optimise care for people with mental health issues and other long term health conditions, building on the capacity and capability of existing health care provision.
Find out more about integrated healthcare precincts.
Subscribe to receive notification of WAPHA tenders.
Strategic update WAPHA’s focus on primary health care workforce
WAPHA has been invited to input a WA perspective to the following national reviews:
Working Better for Medicare review As part of the Working Better for Medicare review being led by independent reviewers Professor Sabina Knight and Adjunct Professor Mick Reid, the DHAC engaged Healthcare Management Advisors (HMA) to review the fellowship requirements under section 19AA and the Distribution Priority Area as appropriate and effective workforce distribution levers. HMA will also undertake an independent review of the Modified Monash Model classification system. This project is a collaboration between HMA, KBC Australia and the Centre for Australian Research into Access based at Deakin University.
WAPHA answered questions on, and provided input to, assessment of the workforce distribution levers that impact positively and negatively on access to primary health care workforce in WA – particularly in the places where this workforce is most needed.
Find out more about the review
Unleashing the Potential of Our Health Workforce Scope of Practice review WAPHA has also provided input to the Unleashing the Potential of Our Health Workforce Scope of Practice review. Professor Mark Cormack is leading this independent review for the DHAC. The review is identifying opportunities to remove the barriers stopping health professionals working to their full scope of practice. It is also drawing on examples of multi-disciplinary teams where members are working to their full scope of practice to deliver best practice primary care.
WAPHA’s input has been captured in the first Scope of Practice Review Issues Paper which focuses on health professionals who currently provide or have the potential to provide primary care. It explores the available evidence about benefits, risks, barriers and enablers to health practitioners working to their full scope of practice. A second Issues Paper will be released later this year – with the final recommendations report expected to be delivered by October 2024.
Find out more about this review
General information Can you spare 10 minutes to help Improve after hours service provision?
WAPHA is working with Impact Co to better understand how primary health care services in the after hours period are delivered across WA, including for multicultural communities and those experiencing, or at risk of homelessness.
If you are a primary health care service provider operating in in the after hours period, and for multicultural communities and those experiencing, or at risk of homelessness, you are invited to complete our Needs Assessment Survey.
This survey will take up to 10 minutes to complete. It aims to identify: - Current state of primary health care services that operate in these three areas.
- Current and unmet need across WA.
- Opportunities to enhance primary health care services to improve health outcomes.
Complete the survey now Choices, a service which connects and supports vulnerable people as they are leaving hospital emergency departments, will cease to operate on 30 June 2024, when the Australian Government’s Community Health and Hospitals Program funding ends.
At the time Choices was established in 2018, the program was the first of its kind in Western Australia. It was developed in response to substantial evidence of the over-representation of people with multiple health and social needs presenting to emergency departments.
In the six years since its establishment, the service has been a catalyst for change with similar programs now established to support this same group of people.
WAPHA aims to fill gaps in service provision rather than duplicate services, which, combined with the funding cessation, has led us to this difficult decision.
We are working closely with Ruah Community Services, the operator of the service, to ensure all relevant stakeholders are informed and, most importantly, all existing clients are transitioned to appropriate services, if required.
WAPHA remains committed to the development and support of peer workforce models within primary health care settings and recognise the valuable role peer workers play in the health system. We will continue to work with the WA Mental Health Commission to support the further development of the lived experience workforce. #EndGenderBias Survey Summary Report
In 2023 the national Women’s Health Advisory Council conducted the End Gender Bias survey to ask Australian women about their experiences of barriers and bias in the health system. There is much for primary health care providers to learn from this report in improving women’s access to, and the experiences with, primary health care services. Particular focus in the report is given to the views of women from priority populations including LGBTIQA+, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, low socio-economic households, regional and remote communities and women with a lived experience of disability.
Read the #EndGenderBias Survey Summary Report Sector information Mental Health Commission - EOIs for Assistant Commissioners
The Mental Health Commission has opened Expressions of Interest to engage four part-time senior advisor Assistant Commissioners with the following areas of expertise and representation: - Aboriginal affairs
- Alcohol and other drugs
- Lived experience (consumer)
- Lived experience (significant other)
The Assistant Commissioners will be broadly responsible for providing senior leadership, and strategic guidance and advice in their areas of expertise. Applications are sought widely from individuals residing in Western Australia with demonstrated experience working at a state or national level in similar roles or contexts.
Please see the Mental Health Commission’s website for more information and how to apply.
Rural Locum Assistance Program for aged care
Rural and remote aged care providers can use the Rural Local Assistance Program (Rural LAP) to help workforce changes.
The program provides support to providers impacted by sudden departures, vacant positions, annual leave, and ongoing professional training. Positions eligible for local cover include: - registered and enrolled nurses
- personal care workers
- facility managers
- allied health professionals.
Rural LAP helps find and recruit suitable locums, arranges and pays for travel, accommodation, and incentives during heir placements. Service providers pay for the locum’s wages during placement.
Find out more about Rural LAP Grants program to raise awareness of elder abuse in regional WA
In 2011, the United Nations designated 15 June each year as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). The Department of Communities (Communities) provides support to community events and activities throughout WA on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day each year. In 2024, Communities is partnering with Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre to fund WEAAD initiatives delivered in regional areas.
Grants of up to $3,000 are available for eligible organisations to deliver a range of events and activities that raise awareness of elder abuse.
Apply for a grant News and media Collaboration key to supporting patients with endometriosis and pelvic pain
Since opening six months ago, the Garden Pelvic Pain Clinic is hitting its stride, with a robust multidisciplinary team helping people suffering from endometriosis and pelvic pain. Collaboration has been key to the successful operation of the clinic, with Dr Leech highlighting the value of strong relationships with local specialists.
Read more Training and events